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Never give a discount

Het is een hardnekkig misverstand te denken dat klanten alleen zaken met u willen doen als u korting geeft. Er zijn juist heel veel goede redenen om nooit korting te geven.

It is a persistent misunderstanding to think that customers only want to do business with you if you give a discount. In fact, there are many good reasons never to give a discount.

The 3 questions that a sales person gets asked the most are:

  • Can you make me a better price?

  • If we order more of your products, we get a discount, right?

  • What is the net price?

The answers (should) be:

  • Nothing

  • No

  • The price I just gave you

As a sales person, how do you deal with the dreaded discount question? In this keynote you will discover how to deal with it and you will be given 10 alternatives to turn a discount question into a sustainable sale.

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