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Various surveys and studies show that the pressure of work and the speed of our contemporary work culture have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of employees. 89% complain about stress, 63% about burn-out and 51% about sleeping problems. Companies and organisations are also becoming aware of the importance of preventing stress and burn-out. In this practice-oriented training you will mainly receive practical information: which factors trigger stress or burn-out? How do you detect it at an early stage? Who is susceptible? What effective techniques exist for prevention and relief? How can one best deal with someone who is suffering from burnout?

In this keynote you will learn what it takes to detect and tackle stress and burn-out in your organisation, both on an organisational and a personal level. At the end of this programme, you will leave with a concrete impetus for setting up an effective plan for stress management, prevention and relief of burn-out in your organisation.

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