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Out of the closet. In the closet.

Uit de kast komen is voor velen niet makkelijk. Maar wanneer je de stap toch hebt gezet, blijk je er als LGBTQ+’er vaak weer in te moeten kruipen. In september 2021 werd Riadh Bahri het slachtoffer van gewelddadige homohaat in Brussel toen hij over straat wandelde. ‘Wie homo is, moet niet één keer uit de kast komen, maar soms zelfs honderd keer, of zelfs de rest van je leven. En het blijkt nog moeilijker om eruit te blijven. Want je wilt toch niemand lastigvallen met jouw "anders" zijn?’

Coming out of the closet is not easy for many. But when you do take the step, as an LGBTQ+ person you often find yourself having to crawl back in. In September 2021, Riadh Bahri was the victim of violent homophobia in Brussels as he walked down the street. 'Anyone who is gay has to come out of the closet not just once, but sometimes a hundred times, or even for the rest of your life. And it proves even harder to stay out. After all, you don't want to bother anyone with your being "different", do you?

During this lecture, Riadh Bahri testifies about how he constantly adapts to what at least part of society seems to expect of him. He describes how he does not express his sexual orientation or hides it, depending on the people around him. Because the exceptional cases of homophobia are usually followed by 24 hours of (social media) rage. The often unconscious remarks towards LGBTQ+ people rarely, if ever, get attention. But it is just those little comments that influence his behaviour.

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